Acclaimed film-maker Girish Kasaravalli’s “Gulabi Talkies”, Ramadas Naidu’s “Moggina Jade” and Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar’s “Mathad Mathad Mallige” have bagged the annual State film awards (2007-08) in the first three Best Film category while Puneet Rajkumar and Umasri have been adjudged Best Actor for their performance in “Milana” and “Gulabi Talkies”, respectively.
Actor Vishnuvardhan has been honoured with the prestigious Dr. Rajkumar Award and director Renuka Sharma has been given the Puttanna Kanagal Award.
Producer Parvathamma Rajkumar has been conferred the Lifetime Achievement Award. S.P. Balasubramanyam and Vani have been adjudged Best Playback Singers for the films “Savisavi Nenapu” and “Inti Ninna Preetiya”, respectively.
Announcing the awards in 28 categories, Minister for Information and Publicity Katta Subramanya Naidu told presspersons here on Sunday that the award winners had been selected after the award selection committee, headed by filmmaker Kesari Haravu, watched 46 films.
However, the committee could not view the film “Ee Bandana” as the film’s print was not made available on time, he added.
The producers and directors of the first three award winning films will be presented a purse of Rs. 1 lakh and 100-gm gold medal. The other two winners will be presented Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 50,000, respectively as well as a 50-gm silver medal each. The winners of the Dr. Rajkumar, Puttanna Kanagal and Lifetime Achievement awards will be honoured with a cash prize of Rs. 2 lakh and a gold medal each.
The Best Actor award carries a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 and a 100 gm silver medal each. The Government has enhanced the prize value for all the categories.
Mr. Haravu said that in the absence of a clear cinema policy, the committee had formulated its own criterion with emphasis on originality, social concern, employment of cinematic technique, and sensitivity of the central argument of the themes. He said there was some competition between “Gulabi Talkies” and “Mathad Mathad Mallige” for the first slot.
The committee was not happy with the children’s films in the fray, he added.
The details of the award winners are: Special film with social concern-Banada Neralu. Best children’s film- Ekalavya. Best dialect film Birse (Tulu). Best supporting actors-Rajesh (Moggina Jade) and Smitha (Avva). Best dubbing artists- Sudarshan (Aa Dinagalu) and Champa Shetty (Kurunaadu). Best story-late P. Lankesh (Avva). Best screenplay-Girish Kasaravalli (Gulabi Talkies). Best dialogues-Agni Sridhar (Aa Dinagalu). Best photography-H.C. Venu (Aa Dinagalu). Best music director –Sadhu Kokila (Inti Niinna Preetiya). Best sound engineer- N. Kumar (Accident). Best editing- Suresh Urs (Savisavi Nenapu). Best child artistes- Likhit (Naanu Gandhi) and Prakruti (Gubbachhigalu). Best art director- G. Murthi (Kurunaadu). Best lyricist- Gollahalli Shivaprasad (Mathad Mathad Mallige)
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