Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Israel cancels food supply to Gaza after bombardment

Israel's political-security cabinet on Wednesday canceled the planned supply of food and medicine to the poverty-stricken Gaza territory, in an urgent session, as Hamas militants bombarded southern Israel with mortars and rockets.

In the meeting the cabinet discussed about the future course of action after a barrage of rocket and mortar shells attack from Gaza and decided to seal thecrossings leading to the coastal area.

Amid hints of willingness to extend the truce agreement with Israel, Gaza-based Palestinian militants fired at least 21 rockets, including both Qassam and Grad varieties, and eight mortar shells at the western Negev territories of the Jewish state on Wednesday.

One of the rockets exploded next to a children's playground in the southern town of Netivot and a mortar struck a direct hit on a house in Kibbutz Sha'ar Hanegev, causing extensive damage.

A house in the community of Sdot Negev was also severely damaged after it absorbed a direct rocket hit.

Two threatening Grad-type missiles exploded inpublic areas of the southern city of Ashkelon, a major concern for Jerusalem as it demonstratesPalestinian militants enhanced ability to threaten major population centres some 20 kms away from the Gaza border.

The Home Front Command warned all Israelis living close to the border with Gaza to keep their children indoorsand the Sderot municipality told all of its residents not to leave their homes until the situation has stabilised

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